A Devastating End to A Valiant Search Effort for two Missing Women

I'm sure everyone knows that Latoyia has been found in Chester, PA. Unfortunately, the similarites between Latoyia Figueroa (right photo)and Laci Peterson's case are even more visible in that they met the same end. They both lost their life and the life of their unborn child to the father of the child they carried.

Also in Spartanburg, NC the year plus search for Tamika A Huston (above left) has ended after her boyfriend confessed to killing her over a year ago and disposing of her remains in a field outside of town. He was also charged with abusing her last March. A bitterweet ending for both families. Now there's closure....A closure we still don't have with Brennie!!!

Our prayers go out to the Figueroa and Huston families. Rest in peace Tamika, Latoyia and Nyla(baby).

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